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PASS3 Identity

Putting users back in control of their own digital identities.

Easy to Use

PASS3 Cloud Wallet

Our solution for users who want to get some taste of self-sovereign identity without fully committed into it. Providing an SSI solution with familiar experiences. Fully compliance with data privacy regulations like EU GDPR.

Focus on What Matters

PASS3 Wallet apps

For users who are ready to take over the control of their own digital identities. Fully in conformance with future-proof digital identity standards like the W3C's Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials standards.

Powered by React

PASS3 ID Connect

Seamlessly connect your website and app with the self-sovereign identity world through familiar technologies like OAuth 2.0. We will handle all the complexity of the underlying self-sovereign identity technology, so you don't have to.